Monday, January 10, 2011

Ain't my kind of God

Taken from "Reaching up for Manhood" by Goeffrey Canada. (This book and "Fist Stick Knife Gun" were two that I recenty read and couldn't put down)

"Okay. You really want to know what I think? All right, you serious so I'll be serious. If there was a God would he let things be done like this? Look at this shit, man. People killing one another, kids selling drugs, mothers leaving their babies to get high. Look how people living - like roaches. Garbage everwhere. And why God pick on us? I didn't do anything to God. Why he make my life so miserable? Naw, man, ain't no God. Any God would let people without nothing always get fucked over, while those with money don't give a fuck, aint my kind of God. If there is a God he is on the side of rich people. Rich people invented that God thing so they can keep fucking over the poor and poor people won't fight for a piece of the pie. That's what I think." (Reaching up for Manhood, page 94.)

Well, it's not my kind of God, either. John 1 by the message said that "The Word became Flesh and Blood and moved into the neighborhood." Then, it became a Spirit who dwelled in us and...we stayed away from the neighborhood.


and then, God...

prompted me to ask myself...

If not me, then who? If not now, then when?

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