Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Becoming the Beloved Community

"Noncooperation and boycotts are not ends themselves; they are merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in the opponent. The end is redemption and reconciliation. The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community."  Martin Luther King Jr.

When one fights injustice, it is easy to get caught up and feel that the action in of itself is the goal, when really, the goal is deeper.  The goal is to become the Beloved Community.

This past 6 weeks I have had the privilege of attending Breakthrough's "Race Conversations" class.  The goal of the class is to talk about issues of Race, Privilege and Inequality in a safe space where experiences can be shared and where everyone can leave with a better understanding of each other and the racial divide that still exists in our city and country.

These times have been heavy, sad, but have also greatly deepened my understanding of what my now neighbors face on a daily basis.  It also reminds me that before becoming one, and before even moving to action, we need operate from a paradigm that includes perspectives outside of just our own.  

I have had the privilege of having my roommate Josh join me at the class, which has allowed for many great discussions on the walk home and with our other two roommates.  We've also become close with the others in the class, and look forward to these new friendships remaining past the 6 weeks we've been together.

A couple of weeks back my and I ventured out to a great little vintage theater here in the city, Music Box, to see "The House I live in", a documentary about the current judicial system as it pertains to the War on Drugs and race.  I would highly recommend gathering some friends together to see it.   Another great clip to check out is an interview with Michelle Alexander, author of "The New Jim Crow'. 

Change your paradigm by becoming informed 

Take action
Become the Beloved Community

and then, God...smiled

(For more information on the next Race Conversations: Becoming the Beloved Community class, contact Breakthrough at