Saturday, July 9, 2011

Unpacking (boxes and stories) - by Hillary


(by Hillary, from her blog "Beauty from Ashes" She is one of my amazing roommies!)

I can't stop smiling & laughing. (Good way to recover from the 10 mile run I did this morning as training for the Chicago Marathon w/ Team World Vision)
The boys upstairs are so lovable and want to be with us all the time. Today their mom Tina came down & chatted with us for a bit, that was so nice. I am really excited for the stories that are being shared as our lives are becoming intertwined, looking forward to our soul food party tomorrow night. This afternoon we let the boys play for a bit now that we knew Tina was comfortable with it. Then Gayle & I had to ask them to leave so we could unpack & organize. DeShaun went upstairs then down the backstairs & sat outside my window while I was unpacking. He kept saying 'I see you. Are you in there?'
Learning about boundaries, especially w/ DeShaun (the youngest boy who lives upstairs & is autistic) It will take time but Tina is so sweet & happy to share ideas with us. Thinking we will make a sign for the front & back doors, one side w/ a green circle & the other w/ a red circle. Go & stop.

We have a billy the bass fish that he LOVES! So every time he knocks on the door and comes in he goes straight for the fish to sing along to 'Dont worry, be happy' So precious!

I am really beginning to adore the three boys from upstairs- Johnathan, Eugene, & DeShaun. Eugene left this little message on the fridge the other day after helping me unpack our kitchen boxes.

Its amazing how much this feels like home already only after four days.
My sweet reading chair in the living room where I'll be spending time chatting, emailing, reading, & praying.

Hannah moves in tomorrow & Lauren gets back from a work trip- then we will all four officially be here to begin the journey.
Soul Food dinner Sunday night in the backyard to celebrate.

Thanks for reading whats on my mind. Come visit.
Peace be with you

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The apple never falls too far from the tree :)

Couple live their faith by building community in Southeast Portland's Lents neighborhood

Published: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 5:00 PM Updated: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 5:03 PM
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Members of Springwater, a small home-based church in Southeast Portland, host regular free events open to everyone in their Lents neighborhood as a way to build community and spread God's love. At a recent bike repair program, Brock Dittus fixed a bike for 9-year-old Chloe Morton and her sister, Taylor.

Many Oregonians talk about wanting to live a certain way, about buying local, driving less and leaving the world a better place than they found it.

More of us could stand to put our principles into practice the way Rusty and Mary Lou Bonham are.

A decade ago, they lived on the prairie. Rusty Bonham, lanky with the patient voice and bookish look of a college professor, ministered at a large Mennonite church in Newton, Kan. Though they helped people and watched families grow up and out, both felt a certain emptiness.

"So much of my experience in church is a lot of conversations," said Mary Lou Bonham, a family therapist who grew up in Paraguay, where her parents ran a home for the treatment of people with leprosy. "At this stage of life, it felt like I needed to be living my convictions rather than talking about them."

When their youngest of three children left home, they decided to try something different. They signed up for a Mennonite Voluntary Service Adventure, a Peace Corps-like program. After that, they looked for another opportunity to help. They had this crazy dream, after living on nine acres in a place where you can see a thunderstorm coming from 20 miles away, of moving into a city and establishing a different kind of church.

"We wanted to work on urban poverty, but our approach was sort of naive," Rusty Bonham said. "It was, 'Let's go where the police are afraid to go.'"

He laughs now about how melodramatic that sounds. But there aren't many spots like that in Portland. There are, however, places that don't get the care and attention they need.

They needed other believers. They put out feelers on several Mennonite and home church websites and hosted waffle parties for people interested in hearing more. The pitch: Come start a church with us. We'll buy a bunch of houses, move in and see if we can make a difference. They asked potential members for a 10-year commitment, and to pledge to live simply and perform a certain amount of volunteer work.

After looking at Census figures, crime statistics and school data, they decided on Southeast Portland's Lents neighborhood near Kelly Elementary School.

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Adele Dittus and a few others from the primarily Mennonite community helped plant shrubs and native plants along the Springwater Corridor Trail this spring.

Members of the fledgling congregation, called Springwater because of its location near the Springwater Trail, bought three houses and rented another within an easy walk of each other. About 20 people moved in during summer and fall 2008.

Their first night, Mary Lou left the keys in her car. Someone stole it. Such began a hard first year. Some people weren't prepared for intimacy required to live this way, for the intensity and frequency of their spiritual debates or simply having others within the church -- virtual strangers in the beginning -- hold them accountable for not biking often enough or not buying local.

"Part of living in a community is learning to deal with people you don't necessarily agree with all the time," said Alison Hilkiah, who along with her husband was the first Springwater community member to move in. "Some of our monthly meetings were really tense. We had differences of opinion on everything. We didn't know each other well. We had all taken this big leap together without really knowing in a lot of cases what living communally actually means."

"Living in a community brings out the worst in a person. That's why we prefer it," Bonham said. "Our issues bubble to the surface, and that is where they can be dealt with."

The challenges were internal, not external. Neighbors welcomed them, even if some felt a shade skeptical.

"My husband and I are not religious people, so at first when someone over there told us who they were and what they were doing, we were like, 'That is bizarre. Are they a cult?' said Dana LaBoy-Gardner. "We were concerned they'd try to push their religion on us. But that has never happened. And after we got to know them, we realized they're just really good people who want to be good neighbors. They're the best neighbors anyone could ask for."

In their first three years, Springwater has hosted potlucks, bike repair workshops, block parties, gardening classes and "wacky water day" at a neighborhood park.

"They rented out the Mount Scott Community Center pool so we could all go swimming," LaBoy-Gardner said. "They went door to door and offered to build sand boxes for anyone with children in the house. They're always looking for some way to help make things a little bit nicer."

Springwater members gather in one home every Sunday for a potluck and worship. The crowd runs younger, under 40, and the dress tends toward blue jeans and baseball caps. A few people play guitars as children toddle underfoot and bang on tambourines. Most worshipers don't need the red plastic binders that serve as hymnals. As day turns to night, the adults take communion, talk about what it means to be a Christian and tell each other about any "God sightings." It's a lovely, quiet service that feels as close to a big family supper as traditional church service.

"For all the time and money we put into community development, it's basically how to be friendly," said Brandon Rhodes, a 27-year-old Springwater member working toward his doctorate in ministry at George Fox University. "It's a slow, steady process that means being in a place for a long time and being willing to get as much out of a place as you put in."

Because they're in this for the long haul, it's early to judge success. Neighbors say they've noticed a drop in obvious drug users roaming their streets but aren't sure how much credit to give Springwater.

"They're making a positive difference, for sure," said Mic Marusek, who lives nearby. "For example: I wouldn't know nearly as many people in the neighborhood as I do now that they're here. That's the kind of thing that can sound small but can make a big impact in how you feel about where you live."

Rusty Bonham would like the congregation to become more intergenerational. Though there are two babies and several small children, he and Mary Lou are, in their mid-50s, the oldest. Springwater is holding steady at about 15 members, though Sunday dinners can attract another dozen.

"My dream come true would be that we'd need to divide into cells because we don't all fit in one living room," Bonham said.

But numbers aren't how you gauge success for something like this. When he talks Springwater, Bonham quotes an Amish saying: "A guy gets asked, 'Are you right with Jesus?' His answer: 'Ask my neighbor. He'll tell you whether or not I'm right with Jesus.'"

"Success would be we become more loving people," Bonham said. "It's about changing ourselves as much as anything else."

Earlier this summer, Springwater hosted a free bike repair outside Kelly school. A photographer showed up and asked whether everyone there was from the church.

At first, Bonham said, "Yes." Then he looked around. He saw Springwater members fixing bikes alongside Kelly teachers and neighbors who'd volunteered tools or expertise. He saw parents who had never attended a potluck or a Sunday service but had taken care of a Springwater member's dog or helped in one of their gardens.

"It was a big moment for me, one of those, 'Something is happening here,' moments," Bonham said. "Everybody wasn't part of the church, but we were all part of the same community."

-- Anna Griffin

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What makes you so special?

Thursday was the start of 4 different move-in days for us 4 roommates. Lauren brought her first load of stuff in, and when she returned with the second load, our door was already kicked in. Apparently, some guys from another block got in the building because they were trying to jump the 15 year old neighbor boy downstairs. Luckily, nothing was stolen, and the boys ran off as soon as the mom downstairs saw what was happening.

It reminded me of the story Wayne Gordon tells, after moving into the inner-city. After several break-ins, he asked God: "Why are you letting this happen to us?!" God's response was unmistakably clear: "What makes you so special?"

Just because we chose to be there, should we be protected from what our neighbors go through? Just because we are Christians? Just because we are "good people"? What about the Christians in that neighborhood who have put up with this for years? What about the good people who have lived there forever and have bad stuff happen to them. In the Bible, Jesus reminds us that God shines the sun on everyone, and the rain falls on both.

When Lauren came back, Yasmin, the 15 year old from upstairs, immediately asked if we were still going to move in. Lauren told her that it takes much more than that to scare us away! By this happening, we received a wonderful opportunity to show our new friends that we are not going to be here one day and gone the next. That night, the two girls from downstairs came up and hung out with Lauren and Hillary for a long time. Sierra is 16 and pregnant, and excited about us helping out with her baby shower. She told Hillary that they are pretty new here, too, but are probably going to stay for awhile. Are we going to as well? She asked. Hillary said that we were planning on it, to which Sierra replied "Good".

The night after Johanna got mugged, I woke up in a panic after having a dream about being lost in the dark and running and running and not being able to get to safety. God immediately brought Isaiah 26:3 to my mind: "He will keep in perfect peace, her who's mind is steadfast, for she trusts in Him." God promises peace - but our job is to keep our mind steadfast. We think that trust is from God proving some sort of physical good, like being protected, or staying safe - but our trust is in God because HE is good, and HE is in control. It is a deeper surrender than the promise of things going well, our lives being safe, our houses being un-broken-into. But the world is a broken place, and it is into the world that we have been called. So we pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven instead of prayers for safety, and we keep our minds steadfast on God.

A few months ago, the manager of a liquor store only 2 stores down from our church office was shot while working one evening. He was a wonderful, kind man named Eddie that all of my homeless guys just loved. ( I was the only white person at the funeral, which was held at a large funeral home on the south side. The thing that struck me most about the service was the way that people spoke and preached. You could tell that they had been through this more times than one. Their words of comfort did not promise that bad wouldn't happen again, but assured that through the brokenness, God was good, and God was in control.

The unique timing of our break in reminded me of the time my parent's car was stolen. It was the first morning in their new house in their new neighborhood that they had come into as an intentional community. They woke up to find out that not only had their car been stolen, but the trailer attached to it had been randomly dumped down the block and around the corner at the very house that needed to use it that day. Dad said that they learned that they could either choose to let it bother them, or choose to see that they could find other ways to function without it- which they did. A week later, the police found the car, abandoned, yet still working fine. The interesting thing was that "Sorry" had been carved into the drivers-side window.

and then, God...

answered my question. What makes me so special? Nothing, and everything!