Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adventure, not fear!

Lots of thoughts these days about future - especially in regards to my next neighborhood. I decided to do a sweets fast for a few months as an extra prayer for God to use me and lead me in this new direction.

I have always felt that the good needs to run to the bad, or the bad just gets worse. But has my life reflected it? Not so much. It is to a point of urgency that I don't feel like I'll TRULY be living my beliefs until I am fully immersed in the complexity of poverty and all that comes with it.


Oh yeah.

But do I live by fear, or by adventure? When Luke and Kat left for South America, I prayed that they be "not safe, but smart." How often to we confuse these two, and keep ourselves from a situation that God really needed us for? The Bible says to not love our lives so much as to flee from death, and to not fear that that can harm the body. Why don't we see people live this more often?

I want to live by adventure, not fear. I want to grow my faith and run where no one will go - reach those that no one will reach. I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the darkest places, and I want to hound other Christ followers until they do it with me.

A few weeks ago a few of the girls from my salon came with me to the shelter I go to each week. In only a half hour, their whole perspective on those guys, and homelessness in general was completely changed. They were telling me about how touched they were by the experience, and I told them that if my life didn't reflect the things I talk about, what credibility to I even have? What credibility does God have, for that matter, if I'm suppose to be representing him here on earth?

So I will choose adventure, and not fear, and I will run the race marked out for me before time began. I will not love my life so much as to flee from death, or discomfort, or poverty. I will risk all for the sake of the one who seeks to reconcile all people - even the worst of the worst - to Himself.

and then, God...

who knows? but i hope :)

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